Speciety – Perspectives on Science, Politics, Education, and Society https://speciety.wixsite.com/speciety Stereotypes and Prejudices Free write on the topic of stereotypes (definition, examples, anecdotes, feelings towards the topic, etc…): Stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Some examples of a stereotype are, Girls should play with dolls and boys should play with trucks. This is a stereotype because if little girls want to play with trucks and boys want to play with dolls there is no written rule that says they cant. An anecdote stereotype that is still said to this day is that college students are lazy. College students are called lazy because they party all night, stay up late, and “don't take their education” seriously. That may sometimes be true but not all the way, which makes it a stereotype to college students. My opinion on stereotypes is that they are like rum...